Sunday, July 5, 2015

Just Because

Turn my heart to Thee, O Savior of all,
Let Thy Atonement redeem those who fall,
As my heart softens, Thy Spirit now send
That I may walk in Thy ways to the end.

Thy ways I walk, Lord, with purest intent
And through the dark I know Light hath been sent,
For those who wander in paths broad and strange,
Thou art our Guide and our agent of change.

When I am lost, Lord, Thy presence I'll seek,
That I may learn to be humble and meek.
Thou who art ever the Way, Truth, and Life,
Grant me Thy peace in this world of strife.

Teach me obedience, as Thou hast done,
The Father's will to do, that we be one,
In Thy great purpose that I might take part,
Let me be worthy, O Lord of my heart.

   I do realize that this is not innovative, thank you. It just came to me as I was thinking in church last week (when I ought to have been listening to the lesson), and I thought it wasn't terrible. It fits the tune of 'Be Thou My Vision'.