Tuesday, April 14, 2015


   I am generally a very private person. I like being semi-invisible; starting a blog is somewhat antithetical to my nature.
   Therefore, most of my posts will not detail my daily life. Instead, I will post thoughts that I have, book reviews, stuff like that. I imagine that over time, this blog will become quite eclectic.
   Now for an explanation of the title of my blog. The Light Ascendant is the name of a story I have been writing for several years now. It is set in a fantasy world of my own invention, and I hope that someday I can publish it. If that doesn't happen, well, it's still a really cool title, right?
   I'm not sure I have any radically new ideas or incredibly cool things to share, but I hope at least that what I write can reach someone, somewhere, and make their lives better. And that, really, is my purpose: to bring light to a quickly darkening world.

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